[54] no title

anonymous : 2023/10/27(Fri) 07:51 ID : 55179ded

1698360675428.png (3 KB) PaintTime : 4min 18sec
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no title by anonymous

Featuring cwacky and gackto desune. Jeff hand, big grabber, good if you need to hold an apple. Cwacky eye, good for seeing and also to close at night. Jeff knee, bendable for efficient travel. Cwacky dress, like lemon rind but for humans (very high quality!). Jeff mouth: music maker! Cwacky feet, very fast travel, up to 10km/h, and can step on rusty nails (bug not yet fixed)

[55] Re: no title : yoy : 2023/12/15(Fri) 10:13 ID : 35b21333

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